Where are you?

STOP.  Seriously, STOP RIGHT NOW.  Take a moment and breath deeply, let the air out slowly and focus on you.  Just you.  Only you.  The rest of the world can wait for 60 seconds.  Nothing is going to blow up (unless you are a mom of boys) and everyone else can wait for you to have a moment.

So, where are you right now?  Are you with you.  No one cares about you and your future more than you do.  Or is this true?  It absolutely should be true, however, I speak with many women, and men, that don’t have this mindset.  I challenge you to take time each day for you.  Reflect on where you are.  That where you are is representative of WHO you are.  You beliefs, your love, your passions, your goals, your dreams, your truth.  Grant yourself 5 minutes a day to sit, breath and just be with you.  You are meant to be your own best friend.