No Impossible Dreams

Everything you dream is possible.  Truly.  You are in control.  The only restriction is what you think and inaction.  You must believe and you must take action, the rest will appear.  However, sitting on your couch believing, is not really believing.  Putting yourself out there is believing.  Applying for the…

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Bet on Yourself

How many times have you thought, or even told someone, that they have so much potential?  You look at a friend or loved one and can see just how amazing they are and what they are capable of achieving, if only they would meet their potential? Now, have you looked…

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Are you a riddle?

I was reading a magazine this morning with an article about Heloise Letissier and she said the following: WOW- that hit me.  How many times as women do we do something and our actions are given a negative connotation, when the identical action by a man would be praised or…

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Being tested

Sometimes, you are the test.  As you find people in your life that test your limits, remember that you might be someone else’s test and would like them to treat you with compassion, respect and patience.  Do the same for those that test you.

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What are you avoiding?

As we go through life, there are many experiences that happen to us, around us, and to those we love.  Some feel fabulous and others are painful.  Each and every one of them carries a lesson.  However, once the lesson has been learned, it is time to go to the…

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Where are you?

STOP.  Seriously, STOP RIGHT NOW.  Take a moment and breath deeply, let the air out slowly and focus on you.  Just you.  Only you.  The rest of the world can wait for 60 seconds.  Nothing is going to blow up (unless you are a mom of boys) and everyone else…

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The impossible

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I want you to think about it.  The thing.  The impossible that is your dream.  Think.  Is it really impossible?  Or is it just difficult and requiring a lot of work?  NOTHING is truly impossible.  I can find you so many examples of people who do the impossible every single…

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